Sunday, October 19, 2014

In an effort to get away from the psychosis that is social media, and still be able to keep track of my exploits- I'm turning to blogging. Recipes that I love, craft stuff I complete, my take on world events, the shenanigans my offspring get into- all of it's fair game.

Also, because I hate "reality" shows, and would love for people to have a reminder that there is middle ground. Some days you'd lose your head if it wasn't attached, and some days you make the Jones' look like amateurs.

Most people don't have wads of cash to throw down on whatever they want, and most women don't just sit around eating bon-bons, sipping cocktails, and watching Magic Mike. (Although, if you've figured out a way to keep your house intact AND do those things, please do share!)

Ideally, this blog will turn into an exchange of ideas from people stuck in the grind, and a place where maybe we can commiserate on the "joys" of being a mom, wife, chef, maid, taxi driver, handyman, coach, nurse, daughter, sister, and friend.

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